
A random selection of our identification pictures - refresh.  Click image to view.

Barn Owl pellet ageing (dry places only)
Barn Owl pellet ageing (dry places only)
Kevin Keatley
Barn Owl pellets soggy on wet soil
Barn Owl pellets soggy on wet soil
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl in flight at dusk 3
Barn Owl in flight at dusk 3
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl at night in flight 1
Barn Owl at night in flight 1
Kevin Keatley
Barn Owl in headlights 1
Barn Owl in headlights 1
Inigo Fajardo
Fox faeces 1
Fox faeces 1
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl RTA
Barn Owl RTA
Sandy Osborough
Barn Owl feathers
Barn Owl feathers
Kevin Keatley
Barn Owl in shed
Barn Owl in shed
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl feeding young
Barn Owl feeding young
Kevin Keatley
Barn Owl RTA 1
Barn Owl RTA 1
Stuart Dawber
Barn Owl in flight 2
Barn Owl in flight 2
Barn Owl Trust / Nick Sampford
Kestrel pellet
Kestrel pellet
Barn Owl Trust
Fox faeces 2
Fox faeces 2
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl RTA 2
Barn Owl RTA 2
Barn Owl Trust
Road casualty Barn Owl
Road casualty Barn Owl
Sandy Osborough. Crown Copyright
Barn Owl in flight at dusk 2
Barn Owl in flight at dusk 2
Barn Owl Trust
Long-eared Owl
Long-eared Owl
Zoltan Simon
Barn Owl feather
Barn Owl feather
Melanie Lindental / Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl on post 2
Barn Owl on post 2
Jeremy Peak
Barn Owl nestlings
Barn Owl nestlings
Barn Owl Trust
Barn Owl RTA at night
Barn Owl RTA at night
Stuart Dawber
Barn Owl in flight 3
Barn Owl in flight 3
Barn Owl Trust / Nick Sampford
Barn Owl nestlings 1
Barn Owl nestlings 1
Kevin Keatley

See our Identification Guide.